I work a lot with small business owners and many of them have storefront operations. A lot of the owners understand they need to also be on the Internet because that is where business is heading. But there’s also a disconnect between just having a presence, like a simple website, and actually marketing that website for traffic.

I focus a lot on trying to teach the small business owners through seminars and one on one meetings how content marketing and social media marketing is a necessity today for building traffic. Plus, I share the tools, or even assist them directly, in the marketing aspect.

What is Content Marketing and Why is it Important for Your Business

What is Content Marketing and Why is it Important for Your Business

Understanding what content marketing can do for you is an important aspect of being able to develop content that your customers and clients want and need. Content marketing is more than just putting out articles. It is a way of speaking to those wants and needs by answering the questions your potential audience has about your type of business. It’s a way to develop and curate information that people are searching for on the internet.

Utilizing unique, custom content in effective and consistent means will help keep your website fresh and up-to-date. It will speak to your audience directly and also increase your traffic because of the search results from organic inquiries.

You have to research what your customers and clients are looking for on the Internet and be able to answer the questions through your content.

For instance, if someone is searching for “how to make an apple pie”, and your business is related to cooking, home goods, lifestyle, or/and recipes, hopefully you have content there regarding “how to make an apple pie”. The same would go for a search regarding “best apple pie recipe” and so on.

This content can be in images with additional text, in video with accompanying text, and recipe form.

Now, granted, you cannot answer every query that could bring someone to your website. But you could certainly start consistently adding new content to your website by researching the keywords and queries of organic searches having to do with your business and market. Then share that content throughout social media, email marketing, and other avenues to help improve your traffic.

This is content marketing in it’s raw form. It can be much more in depth than that but even if you just start with this method two to three times a week, you will start to see improvement in the traffic to your business side. It’s up to you from there to convert that traffic into sales.

Need help with your content? Drop me a line and together we can target your needs.


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