I don’t know many people not looking to grow their business. Most people I talk to are business owners looking to scale and increase their business with business growth strategies over the next year to five years.

In our brain, sometimes it feels easy to go out and get new business. Maybe back in the day when I first started my business 12 years ago, it was a lot easier.

Today, however, things have changed greatly. We have people marketing online and local businesses surrounding you. So we have to be meticulous in our work to grow smartly.

Here are six things to work on to improve your growth strategies for your small business.

6 Biz Growth Strategies

6 Business Growth Strategies to Implement Today

1. Competition Check

You have to keep up with your competitors in terms of what they’re offering and what they’re doing. What’s changed with them lately?

  • Have they improved or deleted from their services?
  • What’s their social media like?
  • Who is their target market and how are they conversing with them?
  • What does their website look like?
  • Do they have a nice flow in their pages?
  • Are they using funnels for sales?
  • Do they use email regularly?

Knowing these pieces you can develop your strategy and knowing what they’re doing or not doing can help you improve your strategy.

2. SWOT analysis

SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. 

By taking the time to analyze your own business, you’re going to be able to understand it from an outsider’s point of view. 

Don’t just look at it and say oh, we’re good. Take the time to dive into each part of your business and determine how your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats can impact your growth.

3. Focused keywords

Take a deep dive into keyword research to identify the best keywords for your business. Whether you did this six months ago or three years ago, more than likely you could find better ones that could get you better results in traffic.

 Check out your Google Analytics to help identify how people are finding you. Also, check out your insights on your social media to see what posts people are interacting with the most.

Make sure that you’re sprinkling no more than three keywords into each page of your website and that they’re highly targeted and focused on your specific target market and services.

Do not forget to add those keywords to your website Yoast or backend area, Google Business Profile, and social media about section. You can also use specific ones that reflect well for your business inside your posting content.

4. Use of a Content Calendar

Now I know this one may seem weird, but when consulting with clients daily, most struggle with consistency in their marketing. This more than likely rolls over to consistency in their business activities.

Create a calendar by choosing whatever form will work best for you. If you use an online or paper calendar, include your business requirements and what to accomplish each day.

Consistency is huge in business growth and planning your content or business activities daily will help you grow your business.

5. Implementation

It’s easy to create your growth plan, which includes marketing, and any other business activity. But you have to implement it to work the way you want it to.

If you are a solo business owner or entrepreneur, it can be tough which is why you need to work off of a plan of action and a Calendar easy to track your activities and implementations.

6.  Analyze

Now that you’re consistently marketing and consistently completing the activities you need to do daily, it’s time to add in the analysis of how you’re doing. This includes analyzing things like Google Analytics, social media insights, and coupon codes or tracking pieces you put into your ads or content.

By analyzing your data, you can see what worked well, what didn’t work, or didn’t perform as expected.

If you are looking at analytics weekly to every other week, you can quickly adjust and tweak your activities. If you only analyze monthly or quarterly, you’re not going to be able to adjust as quickly and get the entire picture.

7. Know Your Goals

I didn’t add this at the top, but this too is a crucial factor! You have to know where you are going so you know when you get there!

You Cannot Do It All

One last thing I want to mention is you need to realize you can’t do it all. If there are areas that are not your strong point then hire someone to do it. Then you have time to focus on things you enjoy or are good at and can steer your business the way you need it to go.

I hope these 6 business growth strategies you can implement today will give you some ideas to explode your small business.

If you need help with small business marketing tips and tools, let’s book an appointment and talk. Also, check out my resource page for additional tools.


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