It’s that time when everyone is wrapping up the year-end and talking about planning for the next year – your business changes, personal growth, or the next big thing. Maybe just having a plan to guide and remind us is a good goal too.

I am reminded that we can analyze our business and ourselves by looking at a few other types of things as well. How about:

  • what excited me
  • what inspired me
  • what new skills did I learn
  • what was a high point
  • what was a low point
  • what am I grateful for
  • what was my greatest achievement
  • what do I still need to work on
  • what’s my favorite memory
  • what am I looking forward to the most this coming year

It is not only about money

It doesn’t always have to come down to only dollars and cents. Sometimes gratitude, learning, and change make a year memorable. Every year there’s something we can grow upon.

how to achieve goals

How to Achieve Your Goals

Here are some tips to help you determine what you want to achieve in the coming month, quarter, year…

Set Clear Specific Goals

5 ways you can set and reach your goals.

  • As recommended make them SMART – clear and timely
  • Break them into smaller steps.
  • Create a list of actionable steps to walk you into achieving those goals
  • Develop a plan of action and use your calendar to book the steps out so they are completed.
  • Identify and get resources, skills, or support along the way so you will succeed
  • Make a list of personal, professional, financial, health, wealth, and any other key points you feel are needed.

Most of all, Happy New Year!!

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