I’m going on a bit of a rant today. Just be forewarned.

If you do business on the Internet it’s important to get in front of people with your content. Millions of us use email marketing as a primary or secondary source in our marketing strategy.

I get it. I use email marketing as a tool as well. That’s not what I’m ranting about today.

Annoying Email Marketing Trends

What is bugging the heck out of me is the fact that when you sign up for someone’s email list you are expecting a specific type of email to come into your inbox. Then all of a sudden you start getting topics that you have no desire to read and wonder where the heck they come from.

Then it starts to happen. Now you’re getting daily emails or even emails two and three times a day from the same person on different topics you have no interest in it.

Why is this an acceptable form of email marketing?

I understand the thought process behind putting someone on every single list that you have in your marketing toolbox, but all that’s going to do is annoy the heck out of them. For example, myself.

So now the reader, me, is getting frustrated by having to clean out emails that you are not interested in. Having to open them, go down to unsubscribe, and then sometimes even have to fill in your email address again to get off the list.

3-4 days go by and you still are seeing emails from this person. Now I’m getting annoyed again. Go down to unsubscribe and you see this is coming from another list that you know you were not on, to begin with. 

Why is this an acceptable practice?

Here’s an example.

I signed up for an email list from a popular content provider on a very specific topic. It was good to start. then I started getting emails on a daily basis on topics like course creation and podcasting. I’m not interested in course creation or podcasting.  I never would sign up for podcasting emails. Been there and done that 15 years ago before it was all that and a bag of chips. 

Now I have removed myself from all topics from this provider.  And trust me, it was not easy. Example above…

The problem is this.

No one has time to read emails multiple times a day from the same person. It’s not going to happen! I don’t care who you are!

When someone signs up for your email, please give them the content that they want. Do not assume they want to go on your main list and every other sublist you have created. 

I see this happening time and time again. Big retailers are guilty of this as well. Getting two or three emails daily on different items is just a nightmare. Then when you go to unsubscribe you find you are on seventeen different lists of things you’re absolutely not interested in the least.

Guess what? Bye-bye to all of it!! 

Don’t assume someone wants to be on every single list

So my message today is when setting up your email lists for your digital marketing, think about how much content you will be producing. Don’t assume someone wants to be on every single list.

There are channels in the program for a reason! Allow the subscribers to control it depending on the email provider that you use.

I use ConvertKit and there are options in there! Please, for the love of God, use them.

End rant. 


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