If you have been around the internet you have to have heard the term search engine optimization, also known as SEO, at some point. This is the function of applications within your website through words and implementation that will affect the results your website will get in the search engines. Since having a business blog is what we preach here on this site, it also means that content and SEO go hand in hand.
SEO Key http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/images/Internet_g170-Seo_Computer_Key_Showing_Internet_Marketing_And_Optimization_p109827.html
For beginners on the web and for those of you that are new to seo, there is a great beginners guide to seo that was written by the folks at Moz.com. It goes in depth into how the search engines work and why we write the way we need to so that we can affect our placement on the web. Plus there are loads of articles on many subjects pertaining to SEO on their site. Definitely worth checking into for in depth information.

For those of you that just want some quick tips on what SEO is and how it pertains to your business, stick around!

The first thing I want to say is that seo is not scary. I think that with all of the “experts” and information as well as mis-information floating around, it can be a bit intimidating to start working on seo for your business blog and website. But honestly, seo is a work in progress and there are certain things that you can do on a regular basis to make sure that you are affecting the search engines with the basic tools and knowledge with every post and page you create.

One problem with learning SEO is that it is a huge topic! There are so many different things that the experts believe work the best. Many people get confused and don’t know who to believe or follow. I am going to be sharing my top seo tips and tricks along the way with this blog and you can continue to research the topic as well. I do!

Content is King

The first and foremost item that should be on your list when it comes to seo is Content! This is something that has not changed with Google or any of the search engines in years! Content has always been something that the search engines look at, but since the latest Penguin and Panda updates in Google, it is even more important. What this means to you is that having a website that is just full of images will not bring the traffic like you thought it should You need to add plenty of words that are keyword rich and pertain to your site.

This is your beginning teaser post for seo. Start thinking about how you can add content to your site and we will start learning more about content and seo in upcoming posts. Please let me know if you have any direct questions that you would like me to answer for you. You may see it in an upcoming blog post in the near future!!

Image Courtesy of www.freedigitalphotos.net and Stuart Miles


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