One of the biggest hurdles to blogging for any niche is coming up with content ideas. Many people get stuck in their left brain and cannot come up with content ideas easily.

But, if you know how to harness your right-brain creativity, you will realize that you do have an enormous amount of information already inside of you which can become awesome content for your business.

It doesn’t matter if your content is focused on text, video, or another format. Coming up with unlimited ideas will help you save time when you need to publish. Plus, it will help you identify areas you need to round out your topics in your current publications.

Check out the tips below to help you get some great content ideas you can use for your website, video, and social media too.

4 Ways to Brainstorm Content Ideas

Use Mind Maps to Brainstorm Content Ideas

Creating a mind map is an excellent way to create an organized brain dump of information with which to create content. You start with one topic, circled in the middle of a piece of paper, and then expand to connecting topic ideas.

Another method that is not freeform is to use a mind mapping software such as Mind Meister

Mind maps are excellent ways to come up with content ideas because they help you stay focused while tapping into the creative side of your brain.

Look at Tables of Content from Books

This is a tricky way to accomplish finding great ideas, but it works. Pick your topic, and then go to the library, or look on Amazon or other booksellers for books that show their table of contents about your topic.

Use the table of contents as your guide about what to write about within your niche. Don’t copy it, but let the table of contents lead you to ideas that you can write about related to your niche.

Fill in the Holes in the Content You Have

Take a look at the content you already have to see where you can fill in some holes. Note that content online can be very simplistic and basic in terms of how deep the author goes into the topic. Many people want to know the topic from A to Z, beginning to end.

Taking a deep dive into your content, you will see that there is a need to cover the elementary aspects of your niche as well as the advanced aspects. If you’ve left out steps in between, that is where you can create new content to fill those gaps.

It is also a wonderful way to link posts internally to each other so the reader will get the complete topic answer on your website instead of having to leave for more in-depth information on another site.

Repurpose Old Content

Already have a lot of blog posts? Start reading your old blog posts to find some good selections that can be turned into other types of content.

An old blog post can be expanded into a report, or multiple posts can become an ebook.

An old ten-tips video can be made into 10 separate 3-minute videos that are more in-depth than the original video. Also, combine text and video with your posts to attract both types of readers.

While you’re at it, if some of your old content is out of date and inaccurate now due to changes in the world, take that time to update them. Everything that was old can be new again and attract new readers.

Keep a List of Ideas

Whichever method you choose to use to discover new content ideas be sure to keep a record of your topic ideas. You can then easily continue to build your list and mark off the ideas you have already produced and edited.

Do these ideas help your business? Make sure to subscribe for the most up-to-date posts and info below.


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