Content is everything when it comes to the online world. Whether you are blogging, using social media, selling products, shopping, or just hanging out, content is critical.

As a business owner, content is crucial for site enhancement, traffic, and conversions.

Let’s look at six types of content you should be using on your website.

But before we dive in –

First – Discover and Know Your Target Market and speak directly to them on your website using these 6 types of content

Second –Understand how the web searches for information work and what fuels the return of web links in response to your search

6 Types of Content Your Website Needs

6 Types of Content Your Website Needs

Written Text

Unique written content provides the fuel that powers the online movement. It gives value to your visitor as to what your company has to offer, who you are, and why they should trust you with their business.

The written text also allows you to describe your unique selling proposition and conveys the passion you have for your business. We do this using Keywords that describe our business and products in our text.


Images are your visual content that helps convey what you’re bringing to your visitor.  Visual content, or the lack of it, can make a difference in how your website will convert visitors into customers. It also can change the way your website feels to a visitor.

Images are a very important piece of the website build. Professional images, or professional appearing images, are critical in a website.

Think about how you want your business to be represented online. Great-looking images with high-quality definitions reflecting your location, exclusive products, and unique services, and even team members can help personalize your message and create a warm, welcoming feel to your website.

If you don’t have the ability to take personal pictures or have a friend who can help, here are some resources for free stock photos.                


Use videos to engage your visitors to your website.  Producing videos provides you a way to show engaged visitors a virtual story of your business.

If you have something unique, a new story to tell, maybe introducing yourself on your About Me page, a video is a great way to energize your website.

You can use your cell phone and record your video. Alternatively, there is a site that will take your written content and create a video to insert into your site. Great for blogs!! It’s called Oh, and it’s free.

Product and Service

Obviously, a critical part of your website is telling people why you are unique. What you do/offer. Why are you different from the other guy down the road?

Something to consider is how will you describe any unique products or services.  Everyone has a niche whether they know it or not. 

Even if you’re selling a product that is sold in multiple stores, you may be selling more or want to sell more of that item for a particular reason. You need to dig down and find out why you are selling more. What are you doing differently? What makes you the go-to for this product? 

That unique product information helps to set up descriptions of your products, images, video, and any interactive information that fuels website search. (keywords)

Your Portfolio

What is your most recent work?  Who have you been working with? What have you done differently that we can showcase in an image, a video, or even written content,

Work portfolios are a very powerful way to show what you were capable of offering or producing for that potential client. It’s also a way to sell without having to engage in a sales conversation.

People are very visual. It doesn’t matter if you’re selling electrical services or if you’re selling a beauty cream. Showing what you do, with quality examples, will help you separate your business from the pack.

Testimonials Work!

Get some and use them too! People will read them and it can be a difference in your conversions!


These six tips will add fuel and power to your website content. Whether you are enhancing a website page or a blog post, include as many pieces as you can and analyze your results.


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