SEO does not have to be complex or complicated especially if you are a casual user of your site. There are some essential tips that can help you get traction and start boosting your traffic. Let’s take a look at just five to get you started on the road to improved traffic to your site.

5 Quick Ways to Boost Traffic with SEO

The first tip – make sure to use one main keyword that talks about your product or service or brand. Then choose one secondary keyword about the topic you are speaking on in your post or article.

An example would be Main KeywordDigital Marketing for Beginners (service focus) and a secondary Keyword would be Digital Marketing Tips for Beginners (Article or Freebie focus). Both of these are strong together and do not confuse the reader.

Reminder! Do not stuff articles or anything with loads of keywords. That just confuses the reader and the search engines. The search engines are scanning your content to determine what it’s talking about and it needs to match the keyword that you’re trying to rank for.

Tip number two – write quality content. Write content that answers the question your visitors want to know and learn. This is how you build your relationship with your visitor. And it’s also how the search engine determines whether your website is a good fit to send their customer so they get the best result of their initial search result.

Tip number three – make sure you create a great page title and meta-description when you’re creating your post or article or page. Include your primary keyword in the title and the meta description.

What’s a meta description? It is a description that overrides the search engine results and allows you to type in exactly what you want to display in the search result so people will click and go to your site. It should explain specifically what the article is about, include the keyword, and tease enough to get the click.

Tip number four – When you’re setting up your website, make sure you’re using a good structure for your URLs called the Permalink. It should just be your URL/title of the page or topic. When creating your article, you can edit the Permalink down to make it short and include if possible the keyword. This means you don’t have to have words like and or things like that included in your perm link. They can be edited.

Tip number five – This is one of the biggest issues I see. People forget to link internally and externally.

What does that mean?

Internal links will take the reader to another article or tip or post that has to do and is related to what you’re discussing now. It leads them to more articles. You should probably have 2 to 3 internal links per article.

External links mean you’re linking to something outside of your website, that also relates to what you’re talking about. This could be like an educational piece on a business website or a government or a college entity. Some other article that has authority and supports your point of you.

In Closing

These five tips will show the search engines that you are Providing quality content and are structuring your information properly to start moving up in the search results for their customer.

It takes a little bit to get started and remember to consistently do these. I have a free download that you can print off as a reminder of some SEO items that you can include on every blog post or page that will help you remember to structure things properly.

Head on over to my downloads page and grab a copy. It’s all about practice and soon it will be a habit and it won’t even necessarily think twice about it.

Increasing traffic through structure and consistency is a great way great tool that will never go out of style. 


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